JP. Chenet wanted to connect with its fans and offer JP. Chenet fans an unforgettable experience. To promote JP. Chenets wines at the JUMBO supermarkets an appearance at the supermarkets as well at the the event “Share A Perfect Day Festival” was required.
How could JP. Chenet promote the brand and its new Icons amongst its target audience as well as the different JUMBO Supermarktes throughout the Netherlands.
JP. Chenet wants to make the life of their customers easy. So we introduced the JP. Chenet Picknick Service which toured the Netherlands providing the target audience with a true JP. Chenet experience.
The campaign had a great impact online and offline, in numbers as well as in reactions. With a relativaly small budget the campaign reached the target audience in its heart. A huge amount of people entered the competition with a comment & pictures. The target audience engaged with the brand online as well as offline. JP. Chenet reconnected with its target audience and claimt a place in their hearts as well is in their glasses.
- Strategy (online)
- Concept
- Creative consult
- Content (video/ picture) production
- Social Media
- Business consult